We just got back from a wonderful vacation in the UK. We spent three days down in Cornwall with my mother-in-law, Jan. And if someone ever tells you that it feels warm down in Cornwall in the Spring, they are probably lying :). It's always a pleasure to spend time with Jan. She is the most amazing woman, turning 70 and enjoying life, keeping busy and getting ready to take a trip to India.
We then spent two nights in Bath in a delightful manor house and went to the Thermae Spa. We were able to enjoy the hot springs on the top of a building in freezing temps. We had such a good time in Bath, our lodging was comfortable, beautiful and the food was great!
Lastly we spent a night at an amazing place called Oakley Court in Windsor. It looked like a castle, sitting alongside the Thames. It had been used for movies in the past such as the original Dracula and Rocky Horror Picture. The grounds were beautiful and just like everywhere in this frigid countryside, the grass was green, the daffodils were blooming and the trees were beginning to blossom. We also took a tour of Windsor Castle. It is an amazing piece of history and I enjoyed actually seeing works from amazing works of art and an actual working castle. I am not usually that interested in history, but this was so much better than I had imagined.
Both Chris and I needed this break from work. It's been tough this year and we were both no feeling our best. He had a crummy cold and I had to have a molar pulled out the day before we left. Evidently I have been clenching my teeth so badly at night, I had split a tooth clear in half! Thank goodness I have an amazing husband who plans the most wonderful vacations and who I love to spend time with. No one has ever made me laugh the way he does.
And now I get to enjoy spending some time with my beautiful grandsons and their parents on Saturday for Easter. I am a lucky woman.