Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time to relax......sorta

The end of the school year ..ahhhh.  The end of the year at school is always brutal.  You have to tie up all of the loose ends, make sure everyone and everything is going to where it is supposed to be going for the summer.

Then I have all of my doctor visits that I have put off until the summer, finishing that root canal (oh joy!) my neuro appointment, for my migraines and other various parts of my body that need to be checked :)  No rest for the wicked, evidently.

Today, however, I have decided to take it easy and enjoy my "9 weeks of vacation" that my husband keeps telling me about.  I don't know why, but that doesn't sound like the infinite summers I used to have as a child, the number 9 is pretty darn finite :).  However we are planning a week long vacation to the beach with my daughters and their familys, plus two days at the beginning for my husband and I to have some alone time.

Father's Day is coming.  I know there are a lot of wonderful fathers out there.  I didn't happen to have one, but I did have a loving grandfather for part of my childhood, so I was lucky on that count.  That man up there, in the picture, the one I married 12 years ago, well he is learning to be a grandfather.  And unfortunately for him, he has to do it surrounded by others who have either been life long parents, new parents and other relations.  But I have to say he is doing a wonderful job.  He plays with Jack at the park, makes him a pirate's booty chest, filled with beautiful jewels and seashells (courtesy of Michaels) and rides a bee at the park with him :)  I am very proud of him and happy that Jack gets to grow up with him around. I think he deserves a "Happy Fathers Day" for that, don't you?