Luckily today we have a day off, icing on the roads, so I have some more time to recover from this nasty cold, but unfortunately one of my wonderful paraprofessionals will be out sick tomorrow with a 2 day fever not related to the flu :(.
Enough kvetching :) being home means I get to spend some time online shopping for my two wonderful grandchildren. There is nothing much better than buying little boy and baby clothes. Our youngest grandchild, Max is growing so fast it's not funny. At 2 months of age he weighs 13lbs. 8 ounces! Which means he is now into 6 month clothes :). He is completely breast fed and sleeps like a champ unlike his brother who still fights to stay up at night and gets up early in the morning. I always find it amazing that siblings are so different, right from the start of their lives.
Smiling Max |
And look at poor Jack! :( This is what being a daredevil on the couch does, a major meeting between face and coffee table. Poor buddy :(